Microsoft Word – Documento1
The body is the origin and the medium that allows us to perceive an infinite range of sensations, is the place where our identity lives.In the exhibition “The Body Inhabited”, the artist explores the inner world in an attempt to establish communion with the world we live in and she asks the following question: What kind of dialogue we generate when we interact with our environment?
Microsoft Word – Documento1
It is through the body that we can be aware of ourselves and our surroundingsPainting becomes a game to explore possible responses where the…
The exhibition “The Shape and the Impulse” reflects on the mechanism of spontaneity as a force that produces movement, as the desire that induces sudden action.
Through a series of works, Marta Adalid shares her vision of the creative impulse, where it is understood as a blow that is born from within and is externalized through painting. The act of painting then becomes a cathartic medium.
Through drawing, people are represented in intimate situations. Thanks to a realistic technique, the human being is illustrated in an everyday context, being reduced to his most natural s…
If we ask ourselves about our existence, the only tangible thing we can turn to is the body, as an entity that sticks us to this world in an almost forced way. The body is increasingly valued as a tool of knowledge. It allows us to perceive the environment, feel it and think about it.
The limits that separate the inner world and the outer world are getting blurred, in such a way that our presence is determined by our self-knowledge and our corporeal emotions.
“The body, like architecture, allows us to inhabit a space, relate physically and psychologically with the envir…
The Sea and The Self collects a set of works born under the premise: what does it mean to be human?
In an attempt to answer this question, the body is explored. Understood as the only vehicle that constantly accompanies us. It is the one which allows us to perceive the reality that surrounds us. Emotional conflicts arise within the body, whereas, the skin becomes a scene of exchanges.
This project is the result of a reflection process in which proprioception is understood as a tool that allows us to connect naturally to the universal elements.
Painting allows Marta A…