The sea and the self: Exposition at Desamparat Studio

The Sea and The Self collects a set of works born under the premise: what does it mean to be human?

In an attempt to answer this question, the body is explored. Understood as the only vehicle that constantly accompanies us.  It  is the one which allows us to perceive the reality that surrounds us. Emotional conflicts arise within the body, whereas, the skin becomes a scene of exchanges.

This project is the result of a reflection process in which proprioception is understood as a tool that allows us to connect naturally to the universal elements.

Painting allows Marta Adalid to explore this vehicle that is a common place for all of us, that affects and anchors us to this world. There is always a dance between figurative representation and abstraction. The representation of the figure is very clear at times, and very indescribable at others, to the point of ending up converging on a landscape. But if the figure disappears, there is always a trace of it that allows us to hold onto something.

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